Advantages of keeping rabbits

rabbit farms

In this post, I am going to list the advantages of keeping rabbits over other livestock. If you have probably not heard of rabbit farming before or looking for more info on raising rabbits, check this out:

  • The first advantage is small body size.
  • Secondly, Rabbits do not compete for grains with humans as strongly as chickens.
  • Another advantage is Limited cost of the animals and of the housing structures.
  • This is one single advantage you cannot overlook. Efficient reproductive ability. Rabbits are prolific in terms of offspring (kg/year/doe) and will breed all year round if well managed. Does (female rabbits) can kindle (give birth) up to 12 kittens (baby rabbits) at a time, the average being 8. A doe can easily give 40 or more offspring per year. To estimate the potential of meat production, 2(kg) x 40. The result will equal not less than 80 Kilograms of quality white meat from just 1 doe in a year. Rabbits usually produce 6 to 8 litters in a year. With proper management, rabbits can be kindled intensively.
  • Early age of sexual maturity (4-5 months).
  • Short fattening period (less than 2 months from weaning). With proper care and feeding they will be 8 weeks old or less at this stage. Young rabbits are ready for market at 1.8 to 2.2 kg.
  • Another wonderful advantage. Rabbits have an efficient feed conversion ratio (FCR). A rabbit will readily produce 6 pounds of meat on the same quantity of feed it takes a cow to produce 1 pound.
  • You should not ignore this: Rapid generation turnover rate. A doe can produce up to 10 times its own weight, or more, in offspring per year.
  • Rabbit meat is one of the most nutritious meat available. It is lean, has good taste and can be prepared in over 300 different ways.
  • Rabbits require little space than large livestock. This is important, especially in areas where there is shortage of agricultural land.
  • Rabbits are noiseless creatures; they don’t make annoying sounds that can frighten and annoy neighbors or rob them of their sleep.

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